

英日字典: barbary_coast

barbary coast   (TTS Sound)

The barbary_coast has 2 Senses.

  • barbary coast
  • a part of a city that is notorious for gambling dens and brothels and saloons and riotous night life (especially the waterfront of San Francisco after the gold rush of 1849); "we'll tolerate no Barbary Coast in this city!"
  • 都市の中で、賭博場、淫売宿、酒場、荒っぽい歓楽街で悪名高い場所(特に1849年のゴールドラッシュ以降の、サンフランシスコ波止場地域)

  • barbary coast
  • the Mediterranean coast of northern Africa that was famous for its Moorish pirates
  • 気性の荒い海賊で有名だった、北アフリカの地中海岸

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